Ready, Set, Categorize!
Happy New Year!
Step 1: Purge, Purge, Purge!
-The biggest, and most important step on the path to organizational peace of mind is to puuuuuuuurge all the extra stuff that's bogging you down! Try to tackle one room at a time and, in this space, you need to pull EVERYTHING out, sorting it into "keep", "donate" and "trash" piles.
-During the purging process, it's important to be honest with yourself (I mean, do you really need that scarf your grandma gave you 8 years ago that you've never worn?) and, if possible, ask a friend or family member to do it with you! This way, you can still appreciate memorabilia without getting lost down memory lane.
Step 2: Categorize All the Things
-Sort all of your remaining "keep" items into categories that can be stored together. Label each category with a sticky note!
Step 3: Contain the Chaos
-All you need to do now is to find containers or baskets that work for your space and that you like the look of. Invest in something you won't get sick of. Here are some of my favorites!
Step 4: Label Everything
-Label each container with the category it contains. Here are some of my fave labels in sticker and clip-on form!
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